Simple Tips to make your Closure look more Realistic

Simple Closure Techniques

Tip 1: Bleach the Knots

Bleaching the knots will help remove the "lace look" and create a natural looking scalp. When bleaching be careful not to over do it. Lightly apply bleach to the knots and let sit for about 10 minutes. Constantly check the progress to avoid over beaching.

Products needed:

Mixing Bowl

Tip 2: Concealer

Applying concealer is a less messy alternative to bleaching the knots. Be sure to wet the closure and part it based on how you plan to wear it. Gently apply concealer directly on the part. Take your curling iron, turn it to 350 and apply pressure on the part. 
Products needed:

Curling Iron
Fine Makeup Brush

Tip 3: Elastic Band

Take an elastic band, wrap around your head and cut at your temple. Sew the elastic band to each side of the closure to help it lay flesh. This method works great with tips 1 and 2. 


Tip 4: Apply Behind Hair Line

Applying the closure behind your hair line will take away the "wiggy" look. Take a small portion of your hair out, apply the closure directly behind your leave out. 

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